Individual to Collective Well-being: Skills and Practices to Support the Whole System

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Provost Lecture Series


No one person is responsible for transforming the campus. No single classroom or community member holds the key to well-being for the University. We must recognize the effort as a collective and, as faculty and staff, tend to our well-being to affect the larger learning environment that supports the whole student. The University of Washington’s Be REAL Program is a campus community program that promotes the well-being and resilience of staff, faculty, and students. Be REAL is grounded in mindfulness, self-compassion, cognitive-behavioral coping strategies, and neuroscience.

About Megan Kennedy

Megan Kennedy is the Director of the UW Resilience Lab. As a leader and facilitator, Kennedy aims to build healthy and compassionate learning communities. From engaging stakeholders in vision-setting to partnering with students, staff, and instructors, her approach to leadership centers on collaborative relationships. She believes that building high-quality wellness and educational programs requires teamwork at every level. Currently, Kennedy is developing and evaluating systems-based approaches to well-being that combines applied research, education, and collaborative programming across three University of Washington campuses. This includes partnering with academic departments, student wellness groups, and community-based organizations seeking to deepen their capacity for mindfulness and resilience. Kennedy earned her master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science from Bastyr University and is a licensed therapist with over a decade of experience in public and private practice.

This program is a part of the 2023-2024 Provost's Lecture Series.



Gonzaga University

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Higher Education


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Individual to Collective Well-being: Skills and Practices to Support the Whole System
