Submissions from 2024
Invasive Shrubs Differentially Alter Autumnal Activity for Three Common Small-Mammal Species, Brian M. Connolly, Chad Zirbel, Carson Keller, Mark Fuka, and John L. Orrock
Rodent-mediated Seed Limitation Affects Woody Seedling Establishment More than Invasive Shrubs and Downed Woody Debris, Brian M. Connolly, Chad Zirbel, and John L. Orrock
Submissions from 2023
Seed Coatings Containing Capsaicin Reduce Seed Removal in Temperate Woody Species, Brian M. Connolly, Francesca Lanni, John L. Orrock, and Peter W. Guiden
Multiple Interacting Stressors Influence Development, Growth, and Morphology of Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla) Larvae, Abby Dalke, Allie M. Erickson, Bailey R. Tasker, Skylar Riley, Paul Hurst, Sarah Cooney, Scott A. Griffith, and Betsy A. Bancroft
Submissions from 2022
Effects of Elevated Temperature, Reduced Hydroperiod, and Invasive Bullfrog Larvae on Pacific Chorus Frog Larvae, Bailey R. Tasker, Karli Honebein, Allie M. Erickson, Julia E. Misslin, Paul Hurst, Sarah Cooney, Skylar Riley, Scott A. Griffith, and Betsy A. Bancroft
Submissions from 2020
Mycorrhizal Inoculation Mitigates Damage from an Intermediate, but Not Severe, Frost Event for a Cool-Season Perennial Bunchgrass, Brian M. Connolly, Peter W. Guiden, and John L. Orrock
Submissions from 2019
Carbon dioxide enrichment alters predator avoidance and sex determination but only sex is mediated by GABAA receptors, Jean-Claude Abboud, Edgar A. Bartolome, Mayra Blanco, Annalise C. Kress, Ian Y. Ellis, Perry K. Yazzolino, Kamrin I. Sorensen, James R. Winslow, David A. Cleary, and Hugh Lefcort
Seedling Responses to Decreased Snow Depend on Canopy Composition and Small-Mammal Herbivore Presence, Peter W. Guiden, Brian M. Connolly, and John L. Orrock
Submissions from 2018
Exogenous Application of Methyl Jasmonate Alters Pinus resinosa Seedling Response to Simulated Frost, Brian M. Connolly and John L. Orrock
Habitat-specific capture timing of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) suggests that predators structure temporal activity of prey, Brian M. Connolly and John L. Orrock
Extreme Cold Consistently Reduces Seedling Growth but Has Species-Specific Effects on Browse Tolerance in Summer, Peter W. Guiden, Brian M. Connolly, and John L. Orrock
Submissions from 2017
Past Freeze-Thaw Events on Pinus Seeds Increase Seedling Herbivory, Brian M. Connolly, Peter W. Guiden, and John L. Orrock
Life in a Near-Future Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Increases Plant Growth and Alters the Behavior of a Terrestrial Snail but not a Terrestrial Beetle, Hugh Lefcort and Burt P. Kotler
Induced defences in plants reduce herbivory by increasing cannibalism, John L. Orrock, Brian M. Connolly, and Anthony Kitchen
Winter is Changing: Trophic Interactions Under Altered Snow Regimes, Rachel M. Penczykowski, Brian M. Connolly, and Brandon T. Barton
Submissions from 2016
Weighing the Relative Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Land-Use Change on an Endangered Bird, Betsy A. Bancroft, Joshua J. Lawler, and Nathan H. Schumaker
Lack of Host Specialization on Winter Annual Grasses in the Fungal Seed Bank Pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, Tony S. Ishizuka, Kelsey M. McEvoy, and Craig E. Coleman
Submissions from 2015
Climatic Variation and Seed Persistence: Freeze-Thaw Cycles Lower Survival via the Joint Action of Abiotic Stress and Fungal Pathogens, Brian M. Connolly and John L. Orrock
Snails from Heavy-Metal Polluted Environments Have Reduced Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide-Induced Acidity, Hugh Lefcort, David A. Cleary, Aaron M. Marble, Morgan V. Phillips, Timothy J. Stoddard, Lara M. Tuthill, and James R. Winslow
Submissions from 2014
Granivory of Invasive, Naturalized, and Native Plants in Communities Differentially Susceptible to Invasion, Brian M. Connolly, D. E. Pearson, and R. N. Mack
Submissions from 2013
A Predictive Model for Soil Seed Bank Outcomes in the Pyrenophora Semeniperda-Bromus Tectorum Pathosystem, Phil Stewart Allen, Susan E. Meyer, and Julie Beckstead
Submissions from 2011
Exploring the Population Dynamics of Wintering Bald Eagles Through Long-Term Data, Julie Beckstead, Alexandra N. Lagasse, and Scott R. Robinson
Submissions from 2010
Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Amphibian Populations, Andrew R. Blaustein, Susan C. Walls, Betsy A. Bancroft, Joshua J. Lawler, Catherine L. Searle, and Stephanie S. Gervasi
Projected Climate Impacts for the Amphibians of the Western Hemisphere, Joshua J. Lawler, Sarah L. Shafer, Betsy A. Bancroft, and Andrew R. Blaustein
Submissions from 2008
The Indirect Effects of Cheatgrass Invasion: Grasshopper Herbivory on Native Grasses Determined by Neighboring Cheatgrass, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, and Carol K. Augsperger
Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Biocontrol Using Indigenous Funtal Pathogens, Susan E. Meyer, David L. Nelson, Suzette Clement, and Julie Beckstead
Submissions from 1995
Effects of Afterripening on Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) Germination, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, and Phil Stewart Allen