Building Communities in a Dying Civilization

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The civilization we have known is dying. Sadly, it is not transforming itself into something that could survive. Accordingly, the death of the civilization will also be the death of billions of people as well as the extinction of thousands of species. Given that it is too late to prevent losses, what can we do? My judgement is that we can build sustainable local communities many of which can survive. If we made this global policy, even now, our losses would be greatly reduced.

John B. Cobb, Jr. was born of Methodist missionary parents in Japan in 1925. His schooling was interrupted by 42 months of military ser/vice in World War II. When separated, he attended the University of Chicago, completing a PhD in the Divinity School, where he was introduced to neo-naturalism and especially to the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. From 1958 to 1990 he taught theology at the Claremont School of Theology. Together with David Griffin he founded the Center for Process Studies in 1973, and through this and other organizations, he has promoted the study of Whitehead and of the ecological civilization Whitehead’s thought calls for.


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