Integrating Science into Climate and Environmental Policy

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Climate and environmental policies depend on sound science. Scientists have an opportunity, and even an obligation, to connect their work to societal challenges – and to communicate their science in ways that are accessible and useful to decision makers and the public. From local, to state, to national, to global scales, building bridges between scientists and information users can help to ensure that science addresses timely decision needs, in support of a more sustainable future.

Dr. Laura Petes serves at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) as the Chief of Staff for Climate & Environment and the Assistant Director for Climate Resilience. In this role, she works with other White House offices and Federal agencies to advance the climate and environmental priorities of the Biden-Harris Administration. She comes to OSTP from her role as the Manager of the Communities Program in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management, where she oversees implementation of the National Coastal Zone Management Program. Laura entered the US Government through a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship in the NOAA Climate Program Office. She holds a BA in Biology from Cornell University and a PhD in Zoology from Oregon State University.


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