Expo '74: 50 years of Environmental Justice in the Inland Northwest, Accelerating the Pursuit for Environmental Justice

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In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Expo '74, the Gonzaga Climate Institute—in collaboration with the US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Washington, the Washington State Attorney General, and the Gonzaga Law School Center for Law, Ethics, and Commerce—hosted a one day conference at Gonzaga looking retrospectively at the environmental justice work done over this half century and what work remains to be done in the coming decades.

Part 3, Accelerating the Pursuit for Environmental Justice, features Cliff Villa, Deputy Assistant Administrator from the U.S. EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management

Cliff Villa serves as Deputy Assistant Administrator for the U.S. EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management, where he provides policy direction for programs including Superfund cleanup, Brownfields funding, hazardous waste management, underground storage tanks, Federal facilities, and emergency response. At EPA, Villa supports Biden Administration priorities centered on environmental justice and climate change, drawing upon expanded resources provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Currently on leave from the tenured faculty at the University of New Mexico School of Law, Villa has also taught at Columbia Law School and Seattle University. Before teaching full-time at UNM, Villa spent more than 20 years as an EPA attorney in Washington, D.C.; Denver, Colorado; and Seattle, Washington. Among other publications, Villa is the lead author of ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: LAW, POLICY & REGULATION (3rd ed. 2020), and author of legal scholarship on environmental justice including Remaking Environmental Justice (2020); and Don’t Blame the Flint River (2022). Villa was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with local roots tracing back to the Atrisco Land Grant of 1692.


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