Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. David Givens

Second Advisor

Dr. Kristina Morehouse


Utilizing current literature, survey questions and interviews, this research paper will examine effective organizational communication within a small organization. Many organizations today often look at communication and leadership as one-dimensional; the inability of leaders in small organizations to adapt to a leadership style that effectively communicates with the employee hinders organizational performance. This study examines the communication exchange within a small organization and its effects on the organizational culture and employee performance. Survey results were reflected against Organizational Theory, the communication effects of leadership communication style on the social behaviors and attitudes of individuals within the organization and the Social Exchange Theory used to study the effects of organization communications on employee rewards and motivators through leader communications within the organization. Specifically, survey and interviews conducted within the organization to determine existing communication structure and the need for organizational communication change from one dimensional to an interactive forum of communication between organization leader and employee. Review of literature will reflect that small organizations must transition from a transactional leadership style to a transformational leadership style, allowing for a collaborative organizational culture that will engage internal communications. It is the contention of this study that effective organizational communication within a small organization can be achieved through a transformational leadership style while a transactional leadership style limits communication and productivity of the employee within a small organization.Utilizing current literature, survey questions and interviews, this research paper will examine effective organizational communication within a small organization. Many organizations today often look at communication and leadership as one-dimensional; the inability of leaders in small organizations to adapt to a leadership style that effectively communicates with the employee hinders organizational performance. This study examines the communication exchange within a small organization and its effects on the organizational culture and employee performance. Survey results were reflected against Organizational Theory, the communication effects of leadership communication style on the social behaviors and attitudes of individuals within the organization and the Social Exchange Theory used to study the effects of organization communications on employee rewards and motivators through leader communications within the organization. Specifically, survey and interviews conducted within the organization to determine existing communication structure and the need for organizational communication change from one dimensional to an interactive forum of communication between organization leader and employee. Review of literature will reflect that small organizations must transition from a transactional leadership style to a transformational leadership style, allowing for a collaborative organizational culture that will engage internal communications. It is the contention of this study that effective organizational communication within a small organization can be achieved through a transformational leadership style while a transactional leadership style limits communication and productivity of the employee within a small organization.


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