Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Communication and Leadership
School or Department
School of Leadership Studies
First Advisor
Dr. Alexa Darae
Second Advisor
Dr. Carolyn Cunningham
This research examines how feminism has been covered by mass media in general, and specifically how The Seattle Times portrayed the women’s movement in the 1970s. The fight for women’s suffrage in the early 20th century marks the beginning of the modern women’s movement for equal rights. Most young women today agree with many of the feminist ideals but reject the label. Because media have been proven to have a strong influence on public opinion, the question arises as to whether agenda-setting and negative media coverage are reasons for this disconnect. Using content analysis, this study analyzes print news media portrayal of the feminist movement by examining archived articles from The Seattle Times’ website to look for connections between feminism and a demonizing frame. Findings suggest that there has been neglect of the feminist movement in media, and that demonization of feminism occurs throughout print news media.
Recommended Citation
Darrah, Kelly Patricia, "Media Portrayal of the Feminist Movement: The Seattle Times Coverage from 1970 to 1979" (2011). Communication & Leadership Dissertations and Theses. 37.
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