Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. John Caputo

Second Advisor

Dr. Peter Tormey


This dual method qualitative and quantitative study sought to answer the following research questions: What is the impact of the generational differences between Generations X and Y in terms of defensive and supportive communication climates? If all meanings are socially constructed, as stated in the pragmatist theory, what role do generational gaps play in the subsequent interpretation of a socially constructed reality? Is the concept of generational stereotypes a socially constructed myth or is it real? If real, do these generational differences create problems in organizational life? This multi-faceted study examined several different communication behaviors and contexts and drew upon the philosophical framework of pragmatism, which "studies the use of language in context and the context-dependence of various aspects of linguistic interpretation" (Lycan, 1995 p. 587), and the subjective nature of communication and interpretation to guide the research in this study (Korta & Perry, 2011). The communication theories that ground this study are the Spiral of Silence, muted group theory and defensive and supportive communication climates. The data for this study were obtained through a dual method approach consisting of individual interviews and online surveys. The results show subtle perceived differences in communication styles and attitudes. The results also provide a list of strategic recommendation on how to to successfully navigate the changing times and improve relationships between generations in a real and strategic way. This knowledge will be useful to individuals who seek awareness of their negative and damaging behaviors within an organization, and to make very specific and manageable suggestions. The findings will further communication research on supportive and defensive communication climates by providing insight into the role generation gaps play in organizational settings.


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