Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Communication and Leadership
School or Department
School of Leadership Studies
First Advisor
Dr. Heather Crandall
Second Advisor
Dr. David Givens
Technological advances and a decrease in the cost of technology have resulted in nearly 93 percent of public schools classrooms in the United States having access to the Internet, and a considerable increase in educational programs that incorporate technology into the curriculum (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 2005). Due to the prevalence of technology in the classroom, the effectiveness of such programs has become a prevailing research topic amongst social scientists. This thesis reviews past research and provides an analysis of relevant studies conducted within the last ten years. Using Daft and Lengel's media richness theory as a basis, this meta-analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the effect of technology enhanced learning (TEL) programs on K-12 students' overall academic performance and factors that can increase the effectiveness of such programs.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Jessica Mariah, "Does the Use of Technology in the Classroom Increase Students' Overall Academic Performance?" (2011). Communication & Leadership Dissertations and Theses. 70.
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