Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Michael Hazel

Second Advisor

Dr. John Caputo

Third Advisor

Dr. Heather Crandall


The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which a well-attended Yoga studio can inspire health, wellness and the desire to contribute to one’s community. Members of the community who have been attending Yoga for varying amounts of time were given the opportunity to comment on their experiences and their heightened communication abilities with community members as a result of their attendance in Yoga classes. Additionally, studio owners gave their thoughts and opinions on the businesses in their community, as well as expressed their beliefs and knowledge of transformations that they have witnessed in the community because of this group activity. Research based on four theories (Coordinated Management of Meaning, Semiotics, Uncertainty Reduction Theory and Critical Theory of Communication Approach to Organizations) defines the necessity of successful communication as a foundation when building the trusting relationships that are an integral part of a yoga community. Examination of the literature and data analysis shows that a healthy community thrives on a common site to practice Yoga. Those who engage in regular Yoga practice with their community members experience health benefits, acceptance, awareness, leadership, encouragement, positive self-image and better concentration skills. Healthy individuals tend to contribute more to their community, thereby creating a stronger team environment.


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