
Mark Davies


The complete Corpus of Historical American English in database format.

TAR folder contains 85 zip files of historical linguistic data across multiple genres (academic, fiction, magazine, newspaper, and television & movie sources) from 1820 to 2010.

This is the format allows for the most robust searches and allows for powerful JOINs across corpus, lexicon, and source tables but requires knowledge of SQL. See Full-text corpus data for more information on how to use the database format.

File Format


File Size (MB)


Creation Date


License Restrictions

Corpora data is subject to access and use restrictions, including:

  • Data cannot be distributed outside Gonzaga
  • Access limited to restricted login or password
  • Data cannot be used to create software or products for sale or consumption
  • Data is for research and substantial portions (50,000 words or more) cannot be made available to undergraduates
  • Any publications or products based on the data should reference the source of the data (see Citation Information)
See the full limitations at Restrictions on use of the corpora.
