International Conference on Hate Studies

International Conference on Hate Studies


The International Conference on Hate Studies is one of the leading interdisciplinary academic forums on hate, related social problems, and ways/means of creating socially just and inclusive communities. The conference convenes leading academics, journalists, law enforcement personnel, educators, civil servants, NGOs, human rights experts, and community organizers in a dialogue around hatred, community engagement, and justice. We anticipate richly interdisciplinary, cross-sector participation from international, national, and regional audiences. The emerging lessons and plans help educators, researchers, advocates, and others better analyze and counter hatred in its various manifestations, leading to greater commitments to peace, human rights, and justice within communities.

Hate groups and their ideologies continue to evolve and repackage old prejudices in new ways, by exploiting changing technologies and forming alliances across borders. These evolutions pose new challenges for those seeking to counter hate in its many forms. Submissions analyzing this year's theme from different theoretical or disciplinary lenses are invited. There are four general submission areas: Research, Teaching / Education, Community Practice / Advocacy. Submissions are also invited that thematically provide best practices, organizational structures, and examples of social change.

Academic papers may also be submitted to the Journal of Hate Studies, the international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal operated by the Gonzaga University Center for the Study of Hate. For more information, visit the Journal of Hate Studies website.

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2023 7th International Conference on Hate Studies