People to Objects: The Impacts of Racial Stereotypes on Indigenous People


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Sasquatch Room 124 C

Start Date

22-4-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

22-4-2023 2:15 PM

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Law | Social and Behavioral Sciences


This panel will address the many impacts of racial stereotypes of Native Americans making the connection between dehumanization, tokenism, disregard of our tribal leaders, the high suicide rate amongst our young people and the violence and hate that we face every day in Indian country. The panel includes Charlene Teters, a Spokane activist, artist and lecturer, and Don Messec, an artist and activist whom together as graduate students at the University of Illinois founded the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media. An organization that later came under the umbrella of the American Indian Movement. This frontline organization led the national protests against the use and abuse of Native names and images by sports and media. The panel will also include a respected Spokane Tribal elder, Ronald “Buzz” Gutierrez a former Spokane Tribe Chairman and council member. He also is a founding board member of the National Indian Gaming Association.

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People to Objects: The Impacts of Racial Stereotypes on Indigenous People



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Apr 22nd, 1:00 PM Apr 22nd, 2:15 PM

People to Objects: The Impacts of Racial Stereotypes on Indigenous People

Sasquatch Room 124 C

This panel will address the many impacts of racial stereotypes of Native Americans making the connection between dehumanization, tokenism, disregard of our tribal leaders, the high suicide rate amongst our young people and the violence and hate that we face every day in Indian country. The panel includes Charlene Teters, a Spokane activist, artist and lecturer, and Don Messec, an artist and activist whom together as graduate students at the University of Illinois founded the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media. An organization that later came under the umbrella of the American Indian Movement. This frontline organization led the national protests against the use and abuse of Native names and images by sports and media. The panel will also include a respected Spokane Tribal elder, Ronald “Buzz” Gutierrez a former Spokane Tribe Chairman and council member. He also is a founding board member of the National Indian Gaming Association.