
International Journal of Servant-Leadership

About This Journal

In the discipline of leadership studies, many leadership theorists view servant-leadership as the most compelling and profound answer to the fast-paced, change-oriented climate of the present age. Robert K. Greenleaf, former vice president of AT&T, was a scholar, essayist, and leader with uncommon wisdom. Greenleaf's servant-leadership is one of the most important and influential leadership theories of our time and his definition of the servant-leader remains a significant challenge for all who pursue leadership. The International Journal of Servant-Leadership is the leading journal in the field of servant-leadership, having achieved national recognition and international renown. Four anthologies, published to significant scholarly acclaim, have appeared from articles that first appeared in the IJSL. For example, with State University of New York Press (SUNYPress), IJSL editors published the anthology Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being: How Leaders Transcend Global Inequities through Hope, Unity, and Love.

Publication Frequency

The International Journal of Servant-Leadershipis published in print and online annually.

Print Subscription

The annual subscription rate for print is $60 for individuals and $110 for organizations (two copies, shipping, and handling are included). To order, please make a check out to School of Leadership Studies and put IJSL in the memo line, then send your name, mailing address, and check to:

Shann Ray Ferch, PhD
MSC 2616--Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA 99258-2616

Donations to the Journal are also appreciated.

For orders or donations please contact Dr. Shann Ray Ferch (ferch@gonzaga.edu) for further information.

Discoverability, Archiving, and Indexing

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