Journal of Hate Studies
Volume 11, Issue 1 (2013) Pursuit of Justice: Understanding Hatred, Confronting Intolerance, Eliminating Inequality (Part I)
Book Review
Book Review: Joseph G. Bock’s The Technology of Nonviolence: Social Media and Violence Prevention
Tyler Branson
Evil Black Guns: Hate, Instrumentality, and the Neutrality of Firearms
Christopher B. Strain
Cutting Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face: The Real Consequences of I-9 Audits Considered through a Case Study of Brewster, Washington
Gregory C. Cunningham
Reclaiming Justice and Eliminating Inequality through Compassionate Migration: The Relentless Struggle of Migrants Living in the Shadows
William F. Arrocha
Filipino Amerasians: Gauging Stigmatization, Intolerance and Hatemongering in a Pluralistic Asia Pacific Society
Peter C. Kutschera and Marie A. Caputi
The Price of Sunshine: Open Dependency Courts and Their Risks to LGBTQ Child Abuse and Neglect Victims
William Wesley Patton
War Crimes, Wristbands, and Web 2.0: Exploring Online Justice Advocacy, Colonialism and ‘Civilizing Missions’ through Kony2012
Sarah Steele, Tyler Shores, and Yvette Pollastrini
The Society of Jesus and the Eradication of Hate
Michael W. Maher
Film Review
Film Review: S. Leo Chiang’s Mr. Cao Goes to Washington
Jessica Maucione