Journal of Hate Studies
The Journal of Hate Studies is an annual peer-reviewed publication of the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies. This journal has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals seal of approval.
Current Issue: Volume 18, Issue 1 (2023) Justice and Equity: Challenging Hate and Inspiring Hope
The Role of Organized Psychology in Inspiring Hope and Preventing Hate Victimization: Recommendations from a South African Hate and Bias Monitoring Initiative
Hanlie van Wyk and Juan A. Nel
On Liberation Psychology, Hate, Hope, and Healing
Aaron Edwards
Nuclear Threat as Race Hatred
John Streamas
The Dialogic Classroom: Holding the Door Open for Hope
Ivon Prefontaine
European Approaches to Stopping Islamophobia are Inadequate: Lessons for Canadians Combating Anti-Muslim Racism and Hatred
Hassina Alizai
From Outsider to Outsider: A Study of Iranian Baha’ís’ Identity in Iran and the United States
Naghme Naseri Morlock
The Rise in Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia in the Time of COVID-19
Mitchell Alan Kaplan