Journal of Hate Studies
The Journal of Hate Studies is an annual peer-reviewed publication of the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies.
This journal has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals seal of approval.
Recent Content
Obsesssion: Radical Islam’s War against the West and Shi’ism: Waiting for the Hidden Imam
Steven K. Baum
Genocide on the Airwaves: An Analysis of the International Law Concerning Radio Jamming
Meghna Rajadhyaksha
Homophobic Hate Propaganda in Canada
Ellen Faulkner
Deconstructing Hate Speech in the DRC: A Psychological Media Sensitization Campaign
Johann Vollhardt, Marie Coutin, Ervin Staub, George Weiss, and Johan Deflander
Where Do Universal Human Rights Begin?
George Critchlow
Do Unto Others: Extraordinary Acts of Ordinary People
Robert N. Kraft
Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes
Steven K. Baum
A Crime By Any Other Name: The Semantics of Hate
Barbara Perry
To Charge or not to Charge?-That is the question: The pursuit of Strategic Advantage in Prosecutional Decision-Making Surrounding Hate Crime
Beverly McPhail and Valerie Jenness
A Content Analysis of Persuasion Techniques Used on White Supremacist Websites
Georgie Ann Weatherby and Brian Scoggins
Poetry: I am a Jew
Michael Gurian
Finding Light in the Darkness? The Historical Treatment of Genocide as a Template for the Field of Hate Studies
Raymond C. Sun
Hate, Oppression, Repression, and the Apocalyptic Style: Facing Complex Questions and Challenges
Chip Berlet
The Last Uncomfortable "Religious" Question? Monotheistic Exclusivism and Textual Superiority in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as Sources of Hate and Genocide
Steven Leonard Jacobs
The Genetic/Evolutonary Basis of Prejudice and Hatred
Harold D. Fishbein
Teaching a General Education Course on Hate Crimes: Challenges and Solutions
Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld J.D., Ph.D.
Positioning Hate
Kathleen Blee
Identity-Driven Violence: Reclaiming Civil Society
Kenneth R. Hoover and Vernon D. Johnson
The Social Psychology of Hatred
Evan R. Harrington
Religion as Hatred: Antisemitism as a Case Study
John T. Pawlikowski
The Need for an Interdisciplinary Field of Hate Studies
Kenneth S. Stern
Front Matter
Jerri Shepard
A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation
Beth Greenbaum
The Conquering Lion
Julian Aguon
Engendering Hate Crime Policy: Gender, the "Dilemma of Difference," and the Creation of Legal Subjects
Valerie Jenness
Images of Slavery in the early Church: Hatred Disguised as Love?
Kimberly Flint-Hamilton
Intra- and Inter-Religious Hate and Violence: A Psychosocial Model
Linda M. Woolf and Michael R. Hulsizer
Bibliography of Hate Materials
Elizabeth Thweatt
Not in Our World: A Perspective of Community Organizing Against Hate
Bill Wassmuth and M J. Bryant
Christian Identity: An American Heresy
David Ostendorf