Bridging Divides through Interfaith Leadership Webinar

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Conversations on Israel & Gaza


An Interfaith America interactive webinar to provide information and skills for enhancing the interfaith leadership and literacy skills of Gonzaga’s faculty and student-programming professionals.

Session activities include:

  • An overview of religious diversity and demographics in America and in higher education Basic terminology in the field of interfaith cooperation Interfaith America’s framework for building relationships across difference as a response to rising antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of religious bigotry Models of effective interfaith leadership and cooperation in higher education.
  • A case study on navigating the challenges of antisemitism and/or Islamophobia amidst tension or unrest on campus Interfaith America is a trusted resource for developing respect for religious, spiritual, and secular identities, building relationships across diverse religious and worldview communities, and fostering collective action for the common good.

This opportunity is a feature of the Conversations on Israel and Gaza program, hosted by the Provost’s Office in partnership with Dr. Shannon Dunn and the Religious Studies department.



Gonzaga University

Publication Date



Higher Education


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Bridging Divides through Interfaith Leadership Webinar
