Submissions from 2024
How Ignoring the Fundamental Causes of Maternal Morbidity/Mortality Impedes Progress Toward a Reproductive Justice Model of Contraceptive Counseling, Andrea Bertotti and Skye A. Miner
Submissions from 2023
Troubled Fun: Experiences of Joy and their Implications for Mental Health in Young Adults, Isabelle Burns and Michael DeLand
What is an Authentic Relationship?, Joseph B. Johnston
Submissions from 2022
Protocol versus Practice: Deviations from 2 Guidelines in Low-Risk Twin Deliveries in the United States, Julia M. Morris and Andrea Bertotti
Submissions from 2021
Efficacy as Safety: Dominant Cultural Assumptions and the Assessment of Contraceptive Risk, Andrea Bertotti, Emily S. Mann, and Skye A. Miner
Submissions from 2019
Constructing Contentious and Noncontentious Facts: How Gynecology Textbooks Create Certainty around Pharma-contraceptive Safety, Andrea Bertotti and Skye A. Miner
Submissions from 2013
Gendered Divisions of Fertility Work: Socioeconomic Predictors of Female versus Male Sterilization, Andrea Bertotti
Submissions from 2012
Comparing Current, Former and Never Users of Natural Family Planning: An Analysis of Demographic, Socioeconomic and Attitudinal Variables, Andrea Bertotti and Sinead M. Christensen
Submissions from 2011
The Egg, Sperm, and Beyond: Gendered Assumptions in Gynecology Textbooks, Andrea Bertotti and Regina Rust