Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Aditya Simha

Second Advisor

Dr. Heather Crandall


This research investigated perceptions of mobile phone usage with regard to interpersonal communication between family members, perceptions of mobile phone usage between family members and outside sources with regard to interpersonal communication between family members and perceptions of how mobile phone usage is regulated with regard to family members. It utilizes interviews of representatives from each of seven families in which a parent/guardian participated. The research studied how Communication Accommodation Theory defined by Harwood and Soliz (2006), Family Communication Patterns Theory defined by Koerner and Fitzpatrick (2006), Communication Privacy Management Theory defined by Petronio and Caughlin (2006) provides basis for successful familial communication. The research questions were not substantially answered but were beneficial in signifying areas for future research in this realm which elaborates and uses this method of research along with others such as focus groups, or journal keeping.


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