Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Communication and Leadership
School or Department
School of Leadership Studies
First Advisor
Dr. Heather Crandall
Research to date on Facebook users has not included part of Generation Y, those born from 1976 through 1989. This study examined the use of Facebook to maintain relationships to extend previous work by Steinfield and Lampe (2009), Pennington (2009), and Bryant and Marmo (2009) whose work served as a lens for comparison. A survey questionnaire (N=215) was administered to Facebook users to determine their uses for the site, frequency of use, and perceived closeness of Facebook friends. Results suggested Facebook has become a daily part of respondent’s lives. Questions regarding Facebook use indicated the number one motivator for using Facebook is to keep in touch with friends and family. Participants reported using Facebook has made their relationships mildly stronger. These findings indicated participants use Facebook in similar ways as reported in previous research.
Recommended Citation
Kapp, Kelli, "Relationship Maintenance and Facebook" (2011). Communication & Leadership Dissertations and Theses. 40.
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