Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. John Caputo


Corporations today are looking for a complete transformation into a new existence that is lean and productive, generating more business that is focused on future needs while maintaining current products. Greater than half of them are currently involved in some level of transformation. Leadership plays a large role in engaging the work force in the transformation process. This study examines the impact of autocratic and transformational leadership communication styles on employees’ feeling of engagement at a corporation currently going through a corporation transformation. A survey was given to employees lead across both leadership styles to measure the impact on the employees’ feeling of engagement. The results of the survey were considered using Deetz’s critical theory and Foucault’s philosophical assumption that knowledge is power. Other literature and studies on the topic of leadership and corporate transformation were used in interpreting the data from this study. The results of the study provide a clear understanding of the impact of the autocratic and transformational leadership communication styles on employee engagement. Suggestions for further research on this study are also provided.


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