Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Leadership

School or Department

School of Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. John Caputo

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Davis


The healthcare industry is experiencing a shift in care delivery and documentation as the nation moves toward electronic health record adoption (EHR). This project examines the benefits and hurdles to adoption faced within the industry and provides a detailed curriculum guide of strategies, approaches and materials for consultants assisting healthcare organizations in EHR implementation. The recommendations provided by this project are grounded in the theories of organizational culture as presented by Clifford Geertz (1977) and Michael Packanowsky (Griffin 2009, p. 252), as well as insights on the impacts of computer-mediated communication, as discussed by Joseph Walthers (Barrow, 2010). Materials presented approach individual learning through the philosophical insights of John Dewey (Neill, 2005, para. 1) and social learning theories of Albert Bandura (“Learning Theories Knowledgebase”, 2011). The presented curriculum guide provides a handbook for consultants, trainers, implementations specialists or other healthcare leaders to positively impact and support an organization during the transition to EHR technology. Further research and investigation may apply the strategies and materials offered in this project to the development of in-depth materials or studies appropriate for specific EHR vendor technologies or healthcare organizations.


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