The New International Anti-Modern Movement


Bigfoot Room 124

Start Date

22-4-2023 2:25 PM

End Date

22-4-2023 3:40 PM

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Law | Social and Behavioral Sciences


In recent years, we have seen the rise of what frequently gets described as “right-wing” or “hate-based” movements. Such descriptors though may fall short of the cultural and intellectual “interdisciplinarity” of the streams of thought going into those developments, and they may also fall short on tracing the motivations of its members or even possible cures for the problems causing it.

This presentation will trace back some of the current extremist ideas to anti-modern counter-utopian ideas, thus rooting current developments in a deep but also deeply contradictory rejection of modernity, the narrative of progress, and a strangely globalized anti-cosmopolitan movement.

We will also explore the connections between science denial – at the examples of Covid, evolution and climate change, esotericism, beliefs in outdated concepts of political sovereignty, and the rejection of modern democracy in favor of unclear models of political organization that have easily fallen prey to agitations by modern autocrats. By making clear those connections and exposing the intellectual contradictions contained within, I am hoping to provide some thoughts on countering such developments while at the same time appreciating the necessity of an honest critique of modernity and contemporary political developments.

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Session Title

Rejecting Modernity and the Rise of Hate Groups, Radicalism and Xenophobia




Apr 22nd, 2:25 PM Apr 22nd, 3:40 PM

The New International Anti-Modern Movement

Bigfoot Room 124

In recent years, we have seen the rise of what frequently gets described as “right-wing” or “hate-based” movements. Such descriptors though may fall short of the cultural and intellectual “interdisciplinarity” of the streams of thought going into those developments, and they may also fall short on tracing the motivations of its members or even possible cures for the problems causing it.

This presentation will trace back some of the current extremist ideas to anti-modern counter-utopian ideas, thus rooting current developments in a deep but also deeply contradictory rejection of modernity, the narrative of progress, and a strangely globalized anti-cosmopolitan movement.

We will also explore the connections between science denial – at the examples of Covid, evolution and climate change, esotericism, beliefs in outdated concepts of political sovereignty, and the rejection of modern democracy in favor of unclear models of political organization that have easily fallen prey to agitations by modern autocrats. By making clear those connections and exposing the intellectual contradictions contained within, I am hoping to provide some thoughts on countering such developments while at the same time appreciating the necessity of an honest critique of modernity and contemporary political developments.