Most Recent Additions
Uniting the Right: Anti-Immigration, Organizing, and the Legitimation of Extreme Racist Organizations
Stanislav Vysotsky
Fighting for the Right to Be White: A Case Study in White Racial Identity
Dianne Dentice and David Bugg
Addressing Racial and Hate-Based Discrimination as Experienced by African Immigrants and Refugees in Waterloo Region, Canada
Alicja K. Muszynski and Sadia Gassim
Book Review: Joseph G. Bock’s The Technology of Nonviolence: Social Media and Violence Prevention
Tyler Branson
Film Review: S. Leo Chiang’s Mr. Cao Goes to Washington
Jessica Maucione
The Society of Jesus and the Eradication of Hate
Michael W. Maher
War Crimes, Wristbands, and Web 2.0: Exploring Online Justice Advocacy, Colonialism and ‘Civilizing Missions’ through Kony2012
Sarah Steele, Tyler Shores, and Yvette Pollastrini
The Price of Sunshine: Open Dependency Courts and Their Risks to LGBTQ Child Abuse and Neglect Victims
William Wesley Patton
Filipino Amerasians: Gauging Stigmatization, Intolerance and Hatemongering in a Pluralistic Asia Pacific Society
Peter C. Kutschera and Marie A. Caputi
Reclaiming Justice and Eliminating Inequality through Compassionate Migration: The Relentless Struggle of Migrants Living in the Shadows
William F. Arrocha
Cutting Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face: The Real Consequences of I-9 Audits Considered through a Case Study of Brewster, Washington
Gregory C. Cunningham
Evil Black Guns: Hate, Instrumentality, and the Neutrality of Firearms
Christopher B. Strain
*Updated as of 02/05/25.