Journal of Hate Studies
Aims & Scope
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Hate Studies is an international scholarly journal promoting the sharing of interdisciplinary ideas and research on the topic of hate. It presents cutting-edge essays, theory, and research that deepen the understanding of the development and expression of hate.
The Journal accepts articles from all disciplines including but not limited to: Psychology, Sociology, Communications, History, Law, Anthropology, Women's Studies, Religious Studies, Literature, Political Science, and Economics.
Article Types
Research: Items of significant new research on a field or area of study within hate studies. This section is peer reviewed.
Editorial: Written by the journal editor or requested by the journal editor, these items discuss trends, major happenings and news of note in the field of hate studies.
Student Voices: Original work from students. This section is peer reviewed.
Book Reviews: Reviews of books related to or pertaining to hate studies that may be of interest to the community.