Journal of Hate Studies
The Gonzaga Institute for Action Against Hate was founded by Gonzaga University in 1998 to fight hate through education, research, and advocacy. Its genesis derived from concerns surrounding the apparent increase in the phenomenon of hate—especially racial and religious hate—as it manifested itself on campuses and in communities throughout the country. The prevalence of hate crimes, organized hate groups, and hateful Internet sites prompted the University community to reflect upon ways that Gonzaga—a Jesuit institution —might provide a more enduring and substantive contribution to the understanding of how hate afflicts campus life, community life, society in general, and the world. What are its causes, its characteristics, and its effects? How does it spread and how can it be counteracted? What can the various disciplines—from religious studies and law to psychology, science, history, and anthropology—contribute to our understanding of hate and its prevention? What research should be conducted on the subject? And, importantly, what can institutions of higher education contribute to education theory and practice in relation to teaching about and eliminating hate at the post-secondary and K-12 levels?
Recommended Citation
Critchlow, George
Journal of Hate Studies: Vol. 1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.33972/jhs.1
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