Journal of Hate Studies
Interest in working on this bibliography stems from involvement with the Collection Development Committee of the Institute for Action Against Hate at Gonzaga University as we sought to create a collection of materials to support study and research. Not being able to find a bibliography in print suggested that an annotated one would be valuable. Defining hate is problematic. Its scope is so broad that it touches almost all aspects of life and it dwells within the hearts and minds of each one of us. Although many of us cling subconsciously to it, hate harms and sometimes kills its victims. Scholars, journalists, sociologists, psychologists, criminologists, economists, anthropologists, theologians, perpetrators, victims, and myriad others seek to define it. As reading and research progressed, it seemed insufficient to include materials on hate alone. This material has value for recognizing hate and exposing its extensiveness. However, many seek to understand it, control it, and eliminate it. Their contributions are invaluable to research and combating hate. Some believe that hate is deeply imbedded in human nature stemming from original sin or genetically rooted to a degree that survival will come only to those with superior genes. Some believe hate can be controlled through legislation and judicial decisions. Still others believe that hate can be eliminated through cross training and exposure to the characteristics hated and many programs have been developed to accomplish this. Finally some experts suggest that working together on projects where all parties have a vested interest is the path to eliminate hate. However, at the root of hate is a devaluation of the other. There is a failure to recognize the value and contribution that each individual is capable of making. This is the place we must begin to expunge hate. Although it may be race, culture, sexual orientation, gender, poverty, or another characteristic that is the target of hate, it is the individual who becomes the victim and experiences the harm that hate inflicts.
Recommended Citation
Thweatt, Elizabeth
"Bibliography of Hate Materials,"
Journal of Hate Studies: Vol. 1, Article 6.
DOI: 10.33972/jhs.6
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