
Journal of Hate Studies

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2014) Pursuit of Justice: Understanding Hatred, Confronting Intolerance, Eliminating Inequality (Part II)

About the Theme

This volume as well as Volume 11 focus primarily on presenting peer-reviewed scholarly articles developed from the selected proceedings of the Third International Conference on Hate Studies.

Themed “The Pursuit of Justice: Understanding Hatred, Confronting Intolerance, Eliminating Inequality,” the conference was co-organized and hosted by the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies, the Gonzaga School of Law, and the Washington State Task Force on Race and the Criminal Justice System.

Presenters and attendees from two dozen countries worldwide came to Spokane, Washington for four days in April 2013 in order to concentrate on how fear and ignorance of the “other” manifest in hatred, intolerance, and inequality, and thus affect the pursuit of justice for all.



John Shuford

Book Review
