Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Analyzing ESPN and the Agenda-Setting Theory, Justin John Kischefsky
Exploring and Examining the Use of the Facebook in the Classroom and its Impact on Student Success, Olajumoke Olabanji
Exploring the Use and Effectiveness of Mediated Communication by Churches, Sarah Christine Syptak Hinrichs
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Negotiating Online Identities in Social Media: A Study of University Students, Christine Elise Benage
Effects of Youth Participation on Adults in a Neighborhood Multi-Organizational Project, Joanne Marie Benham
Generations and Student Leader Development, Whitney Brooks
Does the Use of Technology in the Classroom Increase Students' Overall Academic Performance?, Jessica Mariah Brown
Mobile Communication Devices and Government-Public Engagement, Lloyd Brown
How Communication and Leadership Affect Collaboration in a Partnership: An Exploratory Study, Joseph Carrasco
Sneaky Peeks: An Examination of the Use of Subliminal Messages in Children's Television and Film, Mary Patricia Charvat
An Expectancy Violations Theory Study of Employee Satisfaction, Melissa Cleland
Lifestyle, Identity and Social Impacts of Branding a Group, Erin Irene Comer
Bridging the Gap Between Interpersonal Communication Skill Differences in Employees: An Interpersonal Communication Training Curriculum, Denise Marie Crowell
Cracking the Case: Uncovering Key Communication Practices of Successful Financial Professionals, Heidi Struve Currey
Media Portrayal of the Feminist Movement: The Seattle Times Coverage from 1970 to 1979, Kelly Patricia Darrah
The Interpretation of Online Identity on Facebook and Social Networking Sites, Margaret D. Denninger
A Critical Analysis of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medications using Language Expectancy Theory, Lisa Marie Emig
Website Development: A study of the communication and decision-making process associated with developing an effective website within a complex corporate structure, Leslie Marie Hebert
An Analysis of Feminism as Reflected in Media Objectification, Kimberly Alsop Hobson
Social Media and News Consumption, Jonna Howe
An Examination of Workplace Racial Microaggressions and Their Effect on Employee Performance, Ronee L. Hunter
An In-Depth Look at How the Social Context of Relationships Influences Communication Media Choice for Young Adults, Laura Christine Jollay
Relationship Maintenance and Facebook, Kelli Kapp
Developing a Technological Framework for Multitasking in Cross-Cultural Work Environments, Tanna Lynn Kilgallon
Cultivating Culturally Empathic Environments in the Academic Setting, Sharon-Rose Lau
The Components of a Healthy Culture: Umpqua Bank, Joanna Nasser Mansour
Women's Perceptions of Identity Construction on Facebook, Melissa Melcombe
Using Social Judgment Theory to Identify Preexisting Attitudes in Millennial Audiences of Public Radio, David W. Morrissey
Commenting on the News: How the Degree of Anonymity Affects Flaming Online, Frank Mungeam
Perceived Reality Depicted in Media Branding of Higher Online Education, Jenel K. Nels
Importance of Japanese Context-Specific Intercultural Communication Training, Richard Yoshio Okumoto
An Observation of the Facebook Messaging Strategies of Nonprofit vs. For-Profit Organizations, Kristin Parker
X and Y: The Impact of the Gap, Stacy Lynn Phillips
Multigenerational Communication Amid Farm Succession, Stacey Timm Rasmussen
Reaching An Agreement: Effects of TV Violence on Youth, Brittany T. Rawlings
Texting: The Ecology of Adolescent Life, Charlotte Louise Saucedo
Friends on Facebook: The Impact of Facebook on Interpersonal Friendships of Female College Students, Kathryn T. Schultz
The Roles of Women in Television Situation Comedies: A Pilot Study, Amanda Marie Irene Scott
What is the Perceived Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships in Adolescence?, Samantha Sexton
Perceived Confirmation and Disconfirmation in Community College Online Distance-Learning Courses, Carissa Michelle Simmons
The Deepwater Horizon: Agenda-Setting in the Media and ts Impact on Claim Distributions, La-Keya Shundrell Stinchcomb
Nonverbal Communication in Small Group Leadership: Using Nonverbal Competence to Increase Group Cohesiveness, Angela Tice
Direct Instruction and African American Middle School Students, Zelda Togun
Transformational Speaking: An Examination of Leadership Communication Style Impact on Employee Engagement During Corporate Transformation, Connie Triller
Creating the Covers of Our Own Books: A Look at Multiracial Identity Communication, Helyse Sina Turner
Identifying online communities as self-sustaining ecosystems for fulfilling members' needs, Elliot S. Volkman
Communication in the Workplace: Managers' Perception on Productivity of Virtual Team compared to F2F Teams, Emily Wang
Symbolic Convergence: A Case Study of Magnum, P.I., Melissa C. Wessman
Youth Mentoring: A Guide for Mentors with Practical Application of Communication Principles to Facilitate Interpersonal Relationships and Youth Development, Erin Camille Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Agenda Setting and Framing in Hurricane Ike News, Sophie Harbert
Hispanic Males and Declining Enrollment in Higher Education, Julie A. Hecimovich
Public Opinion in the Social Media Era: Toward a New Understanding of the Spiral of Silence, Daniel Lemin
Ethnography of Communication: A case study of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, “Air Command South”, Gregory B. Long
The Way to Win Hearts and Minds in the Online Battlefield, Laurie A. Luebbert
Examining the Text Messaging Habits of Middle and High School Students and Their Perceived Impact on Language and Writing, Sally J. Mildren
A Communication Perspective on Sales Interactions, Jesse L. Miller
Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations, Ellie Parvin
Examining Usage and Parental Regulation of Mobile Phones and Their Perceived Impact on Interpersonal Family Communication, Tricia Peetz-Ballweg
Performing Impressionistic Autoethnographic Narrative in Text and Pixels to Explore Fear of Death in End-of-Life Care-Giving Contexts, Dena M. Rosko
Transformative Pedagogy in Conversation: The Role of Instructor Interventions in Peer Feedback for Speech Outline Development, Michael J. Stasio
Barriers to Computer Use and Internet Competency Among Homeless Women and Low-Income Women At Risk of Becoming Homeless, Sondra L. Wildman
The Effect of Adult Sportsmanship and Pro-Social Behavior Modeling on Child Self-Competence in Youth Football Programs, Bryan Scott Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Obesity and Magazines: A Frame Analysis of the Top Three Circulating Magazines, Sarah K. Doxey
Improving Board Communication: An Assessment of Interpersonal, Small Group and Organizational Communication of a Ten-Month-Old Nonprofit Organization, Martha C. Johnson
Political Discourse and Participation Utilizing Web 2.0 Technologies, Heather J. Kauffman
The Role of Angel Investors in Strategy from the Perspective of Communication Theory, Kevin V. McConnaghy
Connecting Informal Workgroup Interactions and Organizational Creative Climate, Cheryl B. Nee-Gieringer
Social Networking: Is It Another Stage in the Evolution of Communication and Does It Affect the Way We Think About Problem Solving and Communicating?, Sandy L. Robinson
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Blockbuster Movies and What They Teach Us About Women in American Society, Nichole Bogarosh
Employeer and Recruiter Use of Social Networking Websites as a Candidate Screening Tool, Janelle L. Harrison
Self-Talk and Cognitive Strategy: Exploring Relationships between Self-Talk, Cognitive Strategy, and Factors that Cause Change, Justin Sebens
New Yoga Studio Encourages Positive Impact on Community through Communication and Leadership, Shauna Stelzer