Content Posted in 2024
2024 Keynote with Kellye Testy, Kellye Y. Testy
(Academic) Families of Choice: Queer Relationality, Mentoring, and Critical Communication Pedagogy, Krishna Pattisapu and Bernadette Marie Calafell
A Combinatorial Study of the Game Triominoes, Zoe Erpelding, Valon Haslem, Diana Hoppe, Katharine Shultis, and Hays Whitlatch
Adam Morrison, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Adam Morrison (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Addressing Extreme Heat in Spokane, WA, Brian G. Henning, Ben Brown, Emma Gashi, Emily Phelps, Kaitlan Ducken, and Corrina Farho
Agenda Setting and Framing in Hurricane Ike News, Sophie Harbert
A Life of Service: Remembrances From a Teacher's Daughter, Deena J. González
A Manifesto for Inventing Hope, Jeremiah Favara, Heather Crandall, and Jeremy Gordon
'An Egiptian and noe Xtian Woman’: Gypsy Identity and Race Law in Early America, Ann Ostendorf
An Exploration into Various Methods for Comparing Known Polygon Dissections, Maegan Chmielewski-Anders, Trent DeGiovanni, and Hannah Tolson
Animal Groups and Social Ontology: An Argument from the Phenomenology of Behavior, Alejandro Arango
Anti-Rationalist Developments: Supernaturalism and the German Religious Awakening, Kevin M. Vander Schel
A Predictive Model for Soil Seed Bank Outcomes in the Pyrenophora Semeniperda-Bromus Tectorum Pathosystem, Phil Stewart Allen, Susan E. Meyer, and Julie Beckstead
Assigning Geographic Origins to Genome Sequences, Kathrine Gibson and Hays Whitlatch
A Story of Mentoring: From Praxis to Theory, Fatima Z. Chrifi Alaoui and Bernadette Marie Calafell
A Thriving Spokane: Economic Impacts of Extreme Heat and Opportunities for Resilient Businesses, Brian G. Henning and Corrina Farho
A Tolerance for Ambiguity or the American Dream: Using Anzaldúa to Disrupt and Reclaim Latina Lives from Multicultural Feminism, Sara Baugh-Harris and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Batista Bounce, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Becoming Planetary: From the Personal to the Political, Karen Litfin
Beyond A Dance: The Resonance Of Ugie Ekaba As God's Conduit To "Play" With Humans, Itohan Idumwonyi
Beyond Laudato Si': Embracing the Challenge of Franciscan Eco-Spirituality in the Age of Pope Francis, Daniel P. Horan
Beyond "Self-Care": Rethinking the Issue of Marginalized Scholars' Mental Health, Rae Jereza, Pasha Dashtgard, Hanah Stiverson, Antonia Vaughan, and Aaron Winter
Bing Gonzaga Hype, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Bing Gonzaga Hype (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Blockbuster Movies and What They Teach Us About Women in American Society, Nichole Bogarosh
Breast Cancer Screening & Prevention, Anna Hallowell, Aysia Ramos, Madeline Woodruff, and Michele Shaw
Bridging Divides through Interfaith Leadership Webinar, Todd Green
Bud Hazel, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Building a Culture of Compassion in Higher Education from the Inside Out, Ed Taylor
Building Communities in a Dying Civilization, John B. Cobb Jr.
Building Community Resillience to Extreme Heat: Lessons Learned from Spokane, WA Community Conversations, Anna Reed, Brian G. Henning, Marina Cortes Espinosa, Hannah McKinley, and Tania Busch Isaksen
Building Resilient Infrastructure in the Face of a Changing Climate, Kevin Kunz
Called by Beauty: Paul Ricoeur’s (Late) Liturgical Turn, Dan Bradley
Can Language Learners Hear Their Own Errors? The Identification of Grammaticality in One's Own Production, James Hunter
Caring for Adults that Faced an ACE, Gracyn Brunette, Grace Palamountain, Elizabeth Higgins, and Michele Shaw
Carrying Books, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Challenging White Supremacy, Settler Colonialism, and Dominant Narratives, Zoé Samudzi, Rae Jereza, and Scott Finnie
Changing Climate, Fire Regimes, and the Future of Western North American Forests, Jonathan Coop
Changing the Game: How Sports Shaped the Gender Debates, Shane Diamond, Alex Scmider, Katie Barnes, Danne Diamond, and Jamie Bartlett
Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Biocontrol Using Indigenous Funtal Pathogens, Susan E. Meyer, David L. Nelson, Suzette Clement, and Julie Beckstead
Climate Change in the American Mind and Implications for Climate Change Communication, Matthew Ballew
Climate Change in the Rural Northwest: Learning from Malden, Scott Hokonson
Climate Crisis as Public Health Crisis: A Regional Perspective, Bob Lutz MD, MPH and Amber Lenhart
Climate Girl Effect, Carolyn M. Cunningham and Heather Crandall
Community Service (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Community Service (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Comparing Current, Former and Never Users of Natural Family Planning: An Analysis of Demographic, Socioeconomic and Attitudinal Variables, Andrea Bertotti and Sinead M. Christensen
Conclusion: The Future of Latina/o/x Communication Studies: A Plática with Senior Scholars, Bernadette Marie Calafell, Karma Chávez, Fernando Delgado, Lisa A. Flores, Michelle A. Holling, Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Stacey K. Sowards, and Angharad N. Valdivia
Conclusion to "Three Decades of Engendering History", Deena J. González
Constructing Contentious and Noncontentious Facts: How Gynecology Textbooks Create Certainty around Pharma-contraceptive Safety, Andrea Bertotti and Skye A. Miner
Contagion, Causality, and Circumspection in a Late-Mamluk Digest of Natural Philosophy, Joseph Leonardo Vignone
Contextualizing American Gypsies: Experiencing Criminality in the Colonial Chesapeake, Ann Ostendorf
Control, Discipline, and Punish: Black Masculinity and (In)visible Whiteness in the NBA, Rachel Alicia Griffin and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Corpus del Español Complete Database, Mark Davies
Corpus del Español Complete Linear Text, Mark Davies
Corpus del Español Complete Word, Lemma, Part of Speech, Mark Davies
Corpus del Español Lexicon, Mark Davies
Corpus del Español Sources, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English Complete Database, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English Complete Linear Text, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English Complete Word, Lemma, Part of Speech, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English Data Samples, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English Lexicon, Mark Davies
Corpus of Contemporary American English List of Subgenres, Mark Davies
Corpus of Historical American English Complete Database, Mark Davies
Corpus of Historical American English Complete Linear Text, Mark Davies
Corpus of Historical American English Complete Word, Lemma, Part of Speech, Mark Davies
Corpus of Historical American English Lexicon, Mark Davies
Corpus of Historical American English Sources, Mark Davies
Corpus of News on the Web Lexicon, Mark Davies
Corpus of News on the Web Sources, Mark Davies
(Critical) Love is a Battlefield: Implications for a Critical Intercultural Pedagogical Approach, Bernadette Marie Calafell and Robert Gutierrez-Perez
Database (Academic), Mark Davies
Database (Academic), Mark Davies
Database (Argentina), Mark Davies
Database (Blog), Mark Davies
Database (Bolivia), Mark Davies
Database (Chile), Mark Davies
Database (Colombia), Mark Davies
Database (Costa Rica), Mark Davies
Database (Cuba), Mark Davies
Database (Dominican Republic), Mark Davies
Database (Ecuador), Mark Davies
Database (El Salvador), Mark Davies
Database (España), Mark Davies
Database (Fiction), Mark Davies
Database (Fiction), Mark Davies
Database (Guatemala), Mark Davies
Database (Honduras), Mark Davies
Database (Magazine), Mark Davies
Database (Magazine), Mark Davies
Database (México), Mark Davies
Database (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Database (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Database (Nicaragua), Mark Davies
Database (Panamá), Mark Davies
Database (Paraguay), Mark Davies
Database (Perú), Mark Davies
Database (Puerto Rico), Mark Davies
Database (Spoken Word), Mark Davies
Database (Television & Movie), Mark Davies
Database (Television & Movies), Mark Davies
Database (United States), Mark Davies
Database (Uruguay), Mark Davies
Database (Venezuela), Mark Davies
Database (Web Page), Mark Davies
Dialoguing About the Nexus of Queer Studies and Intercultural Communication, Shinsuke Eguchi and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Disagree Mr. Referee (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Disagree Mr. Referee (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Diversity and Resistance to Change: Macro Conditions for Marginalization in Post-industrial Societies, Charles Lassiter, Vinai Norasakkunkit, Benjamin Shuman, and Tuukka Toivonen
D-Q University—Davis, Deena J. González
Economics for a Full World, Herman Daly
Effects of Afterripening on Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) Germination, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, and Phil Stewart Allen
Efficacy as Safety: Dominant Cultural Assumptions and the Assessment of Contraceptive Risk, Andrea Bertotti, Emily S. Mann, and Skye A. Miner
Emb(Race)ing Visibility: Callie Torres’s (Im)Perfect Operation of Bisexuality on Grey’s Anatomy, Shadee Abdi and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Employeer and Recruiter Use of Social Networking Websites as a Candidate Screening Tool, Janelle L. Harrison
Empowering Biosemiotics, Charles Lassiter
Encountering Our Common Humanity Through Many Arts, Gen Heywood
Ethical Concerns Regarding Use of Formers in "Countering Extremism", Joan Braune, Nicole Nguyen, and Megan Kelly
Ethics and the Columbia River Treaty: Righting Historic Wrongs, Reverand William Skylstad, Matt Wynne, John Osborn MD, Stevey Seymour, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes, Virgil Seymour, John Eli Sirios, Pat Ford, Rachel Osborn, Reverand Martin Wells, Pauline Terbasket, Allan Scholz, Randall Friedlander, D. R. Michel, Jennifer Ferguson, Reuben Henry, and Brian G. Henning
Ethnography of Communication: A case study of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, “Air Command South”, Gregory B. Long
Exploring the Population Dynamics of Wintering Bald Eagles Through Long-Term Data, Julie Beckstead, Alexandra N. Lagasse, and Scott R. Robinson
Expo '74: 50 years of Environmental Justice in the Inland Northwest, Enforcement Panel and The Future of Environmental Justice in the Inland Northwest, Twa-Le Abrahamson, Bill Sherman, Colleen Melody, Katy Scott, Vanessa R. Waldref, Cliff Villa, and Greg Gordon
Expo '74: 50 years of Environmental Justice in the Inland Northwest, Spokane River Panel, Brook Beeler, Marlene Feist, Margo Hill, and Jerry White
Expo '74: 50 years of Environmental Justice in the Inland Northwest, Welcome Remarks, Jacob Rooksby, Brian G. Henning, and Vanessa R. Waldref
Externalizing Communicative Intentions, Charles Lassiter
Free Throw, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
From Despot to Steward: The Greening of Catholic Social Teaching, Brian G. Henning
From Exception to Exemplification: Understanding the Debate Over Darwin, Brian G. Henning
From Sensorimotor Dependencies to Perceptual Practices: Making Enactivism Social, Alejandro Arango
From Up in the Air to the Roots of Pandora’s Tree of Souls: Hossein Nasr’s Islamic Traditionalism and the Hope for Western Futures Grounded in the Sacredness of the Earth, Daniel O'Dea Bradley
Gendered Divisions of Fertility Work: Socioeconomic Predictors of Female versus Male Sterilization, Andrea Bertotti
Genocide Denial in Memes, Online, or in Museums and Denialism in the Law, Yfat Barak-Cheney, Kyley Canion-Brewer, Dan Collen, and Adriana Sinclair
Governor Inslee Discusses Climate Change With Gonzaga Students, Jay Inslee, Brian G. Henning, Kelly Patterson, Bridget Wilson, Madden Tavernisi, Jordan Cruz, and Anna Sophia
Habitat-specific capture timing of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) suggests that predators structure temporal activity of prey, Brian M. Connolly and John L. Orrock
Hate Crime and Speech Laws: Social Justice or Oppression, Bernard Haggerty, Mark Walters, and Hannah Van Dijcke
Have a CCOW: A CRAAP Alternative for the Internet Age, Anthony Tardiff
Healing through Ancestral Knowledge and Letters to Our Children: Mothering Infants During a Global Pandemic, Noralis Rodriguez-Coss, Miriam G. Valdovinos, and Rupal Parekh
Health Literacy of Low-Income Diabetic Patients, Bella Hanna, MaCaila Beck, Sarah Ott, and Michele Shaw
Heating Our Homes and Addressing Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Emission Forecasts for Electrification of Space Heating in Residential Homes, Theresa Pistochini
Honey Bees, Bumble Bees, and Allies
How did we get here? The roots of today’s crisis in Israel-Palestine, Omar H. Rahman
How Ignoring the Fundamental Causes of Maternal Morbidity/Mortality Impedes Progress Toward a Reproductive Justice Model of Contraceptive Counseling, Andrea Bertotti and Skye A. Miner
How to Fight Fake News About Climate Change, John Cook
Husserl’s Concept of Position-Taking and Second Nature, Alejandro Arango
Hyperology: The Age of Chimera, Róisín Lally
I am Not Maria/Samira: On the Interchangeability of 'Brownness' in U.S. Pedagogical Contexts, Fatima Z. Chrifi Alaoui, Raquel Moreira, Krishna Pattisapu, Salma Shukri, and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Ignatian Information Literacy: Applying the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm to Library Instruction, Anthony Tardiff
Ignorance and Cultural Diversity: the Ethical Obligations of the Behavior Analyst, Alejandro Arango
Images of Girls and Women in the Media: A Media Literacy Project to Mitigate the Influence of Beauty Product Advertising for Girl Scouts, Christine Marie Anthony
Imagining Peace: A Conversation with Bereaved Families in Israel-Palestine, Laila Alsheikh and Robi Damelin
Impact of Health Literacy on Patient Outcomes, Stella Collins, Abbie Mosset, Ellie Vincent, and Michele Shaw
Improving Board Communication: An Assessment of Interpersonal, Small Group and Organizational Communication of a Ten-Month-Old Nonprofit Organization, Martha C. Johnson
Improving Care for Adolescents with Autoimmune Disease, Grace Findlay, Lillian Holland, Caitlin Lintoco, and Michele Shaw
Improving Health Outcomes for Children with Prenatal Drug Exposure, Macy BeLusko and Michele Shaw
Increasing Efficiency in the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety, Claire Davidson, Claire Isert, Anna Seely, and Michele Shaw
Individual to Collective Well-being: Skills and Practices to Support the Whole System, Megan Kennedy
Induced defences in plants reduce herbivory by increasing cannibalism, John L. Orrock, Brian M. Connolly, and Anthony Kitchen
Integrating Science into Climate and Environmental Policy, Laura Petes
Interview with E. Patrick Johnson, Bernadette Marie Calafell
Intravenous Magnesium Use During Surgery: An Evidence Based Practice Project: Preliminary Findings, Garrett Glover, Chance Raver, Benjamin Lombardi, Cody Woodbury, Karen Colorafi, and Kenneth Daratha
Introduction, Bernadette Marie Calafell and Michelle A. Holling
Introduction: Reorienting Queer Intercultural Communication, Bernadette Marie Calafell and Shinsuke Eguchi
Introductory Activity for Generative AI, Josh Anthony
Invasive Shrubs Differentially Alter Autumnal Activity for Three Common Small-Mammal Species, Brian M. Connolly, Chad Zirbel, Carson Keller, Mark Fuka, and John L. Orrock
Island Feminisms in/on Island Studies: Place, Justice, Movement, Noralis Rodriguez-Coss
Kennel Club (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Kennel Club (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Lack of Host Specialization on Winter Annual Grasses in the Fungal Seed Bank Pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, Tony S. Ishizuka, Kelsey M. McEvoy, and Craig E. Coleman
Language, Rhetoric, and Linguistic Practices for Conceptualizing Hate and Its Promotion, Michael Waltman, Alexander Brown, and Haoua Lebbal
Latina/o Gender and Sexuality, Deena J. González and Ellie D. Hernández
Latina/o Vernacular Discourse: Theorizing Performative Dimensions of an Other Counterpolitic, Bernadette Marie Calafell and Dawn Marie D. McIntosh
Latino Identities and Ethnicities, Suzanne Oboler, Deena J. González, Frances R. Aparicio, María de los Angeles Torres, and Sylvio Torres-Saillant
Launch event of the Gonzaga Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment, Thayne McCulloh, Deena J. González, Arturo Sosa S.J., Scott R. Santarosa S.J., Jay Inslee, Bill McKibbon, Keya Chatterjee, Brian G. Henning, Marisa Montesi, Heather Bybee, Rosie Zhou, and Nora Henning
Law School, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Leadership, Othering, and Discrimination, Yukari Takimoto Amos, Jim Mohr, Kristine Hoover, and Ashok Kumar
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees
Let's Get SIRIous! Voice Recognition in Language Learning, James Hunter
Linear Text (Academic), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Academic), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Argentina), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Blog), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Bolivia), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Chile), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Colombia), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Costa Rica), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Cuba), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Dominican Republic), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Ecuador), Mark Davies
Linear Text (El Salvador), Mark Davies
Linear Text (España), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Fiction), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Fiction), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Guatemala), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Honduras), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Magazine), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Magazine), Mark Davies
Linear Text (México), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Nicaragua), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Panamá), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Paraguay), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Perú), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Puerto Rico), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Spoken Word), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Television & Movie), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Television & Movies), Mark Davies
Linear Text (United States), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Uruguay), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Venezuela), Mark Davies
Linear Text (Web Page), Mark Davies
Linguistics Strategies for Spreading Hate Online and Ideas to Counter Hate Speech, Maico Demi Aperocho, Snezhina Gabova, Zeinab Farokhi, and Barbara Bello
Marianismo, Deena J. González
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Mason, Leafcutter, Carder, and Resin Bees
Maximum Components on n x n Mosaic, Edward Dufresne and Samantha Bristol
Measurement Agreement Between a Newly Developed Sensing Insole and Traditional Laboratory-Based Method for Footstrike Pattern Detection in Runners, Janet H. Zhang-Lea, Roy T.H. Cheung, Ivan P.H. Au, Zoe Y.S. Chan, Winko W. An, Alfred Man, Fannie O.Y. Lau, Melody K.Y. Lam, K.K. Lau, C.Y. Leung, N.W. Tsang, Louis K.Y. Sze, and Gilbert W.K. Lam
Mindful Interventions for ACE Exposed Children, Anna Westlund, Sara Curran, Kiki Orozco, and Michele Shaw
Moral Clumsiness, Alejandro Arango
Multiple Classes Free Throw, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Nazi Resistance and the Legacy of a Lifetime, Kristine Hoover and Clement Lye
Neither Race nor Ethnicity: Latinidadas a Social Affordance, Alejandro Arango Vargas and Adam Burgos
New Kennel (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
New Kennel (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
New Yoga Studio Encourages Positive Impact on Community through Communication and Leadership, Shauna Stelzer
Nitrous Oxide Administration in General Anesthesia Patients: Preliminary Findings, Kaley Smith, Karen Colorafi, Kenneth Daratha, Brad Hemingway, and Benjamin Lombardi
Novel Adventures: Using The Journey to the West to Teach Tang China History and Culture, Ann Ostendorf
NOW 2010-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2010-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2011-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2012-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2013-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2014-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2015-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2016-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2017-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2018-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2019-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2020-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2021-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2022-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-04 April, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-05 May, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-06 June, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-07 July, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-08 August, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-09 September, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-10 October, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-11 November, Mark Davies
NOW 2023-12 December, Mark Davies
NOW 2024-01 January, Mark Davies
NOW 2024-02 February, Mark Davies
NOW 2024-03 March, Mark Davies
NOW 2024-04 April, Mark Davies
Obesity and Magazines: A Frame Analysis of the Top Three Circulating Magazines, Sarah K. Doxey
Of Termites and Men: On the Ontology of Collective individuals, Brian G. Henning
Oxygen Desaturation in Obese Patients During Induction of General Anesthesia: Preliminary Findings, Alisha Barker, Laura Bast, Erin Bergey, Karen Colorafi, and Payton Burks
Palestinians and the Question of Refugee Resettlement, Olawale Olumodimu, Shyam K. Sriram, Shannon Dunn, R. Brian Siebeking, and Ramadan Alkhatib
Paris, Glasgow: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward on the U.S. International Climate Agenda, Alan Yu
Particularizing Hate: Recording and Reporting with a Local Lens, Marie Eddy, Tamar Malino, Gloria Chien, Connie Morlin, and Scott Finnie
Pedagogy & The IR: Using Gonzaga’s Institutional Repository for Teaching Resources, Elizabeth Wawrzyniak
People to Objects: The Impacts of Racial Stereotypes on Indigenous People, Charlene Teters, Don Messec, and Ronald Gutierrez
Plasticity of Muscle Synergies Through Fractionation and Merging During Development and Training of Human Runners, Janet H. Zhang-Lea, Vincent C.K. Cheung, Ben M.F. Cheung, Zoe Y.S. Chan, Sophia C.W. Ha, Chao-Ying Chen, and Roy T.H. Cheung
Political Discourse and Participation Utilizing Web 2.0 Technologies, Heather J. Kauffman
Politics of Sexuality, Ellie D. Hernández and Deena J. González
Pollinators of Gonzaga University, Sophie O'Shei and Gary Chang
Preface, Bernadette Marie Calafell
Preserving Public Lands in the Age of Climate Change, Hilary Franz
Preventing Nurse Burnout, Jasmine Yip, Elise Rothlisberger, and Michele Shaw
Process and Morality, Brian G. Henning
Promoting nutrition literacy in children: a case study of a community partnership between a university and an elementary school, Candise Branum
Promotion of Hate and Violence Through Social Media and Mainstream Sources, Leah Nann, Gunther Jikeli, Simon Purdue, and Maria Elena Placencia
Protocol versus Practice: Deviations from 2 Guidelines in Low-Risk Twin Deliveries in the United States, Julia M. Morris and Andrea Bertotti
Public Opinion in the Social Media Era: Toward a New Understanding of the Spiral of Silence, Daniel Lemin
Queer Students: Issues in Public Schools, Hope Philea Henning
Racializing American ‘Egyptians’: Shifting Legal Discourse, 1690s–1860s, Ann Ostendorf
Re-Envisioning the Philosophy Classroom Through Metaphors, Alejandro Arango and Maria Howard
Reflections on Teaching About Hate: From Worst to Best Practices, Jennifer Schlegel, Ray Sun, Kristine Hoover, and Michael Waltman
Reflections on the Field, Deena J. González
Rejecting Modernity and the Rise of Hate Groups, Radicalism and Xenophobia, Kathleen Mah, Philipp Kneis, Clairissa Breen, and Jodie Boisvert
Review of Anglophilia: Deference, Devotion, and Antebellum America by Elisa Tamarkin, Ann Ostendorf
Review of Betting the Earth: How We Can Still Win the Biggest Gamble of All Time, Brian G. Henning
Review of "Goodness and Justice: A Consequentialist Moral Theory", Brian G. Henning
Review of Harnessing Harmony: Music, Power, and Politics in the United States, 1788-1865, by Billy Coleman, Ann Ostendorf
Review of Jim Crow’s Counterculture: The Blues and Black Southerners, 1890-1945, Ann Ostendorf
Review of "Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy", Brian G. Henning
Review of Sounds of the New Deal: The Federal Music Project in the West, Ann Ostendorf
Review of Untold Stories and Songs of America’s First Immigrants, by Joanna Brooks, Ann Ostendorf
Review of U.S. Congressional Politics, Hate Crimes, Potential for Violence, and Sex-Gender Differences Research, Daniel Suárez Alonso, Brian Levin, and Robert Tynes
Review of Working the Mississippi: Two Centuries of Life on the River by Bonnie Stepenoff, Ann Ostendorf
Rodent-mediated Seed Limitation Affects Woody Seedling Establishment More than Invasive Shrubs and Downed Woody Debris, Brian M. Connolly, Chad Zirbel, and John L. Orrock
Rodolfo Acuña, Deena J. González and Yvette J. Saavedra
Rodolfo F Acuña, Deena J. González and Yvette J. Saavedra
Romani American History: Historical Absences and their Consequences, Ann Ostendorf
Ronny Turiaf, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Sean Mallon, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Seed Coatings Containing Capsaicin Reduce Seed Removal in Temperate Woody Species, Brian M. Connolly, Francesca Lanni, John L. Orrock, and Peter W. Guiden
Self-Talk and Cognitive Strategy: Exploring Relationships between Self-Talk, Cognitive Strategy, and Factors that Cause Change, Justin Sebens
"Small Talk": Developing Fluency, Accuracy, and Complexity in Speaking, James Hunter
Social Enactive Perception: Practices, Experience, and Contents, Alejandro Arango
Social Enactivism about Perception — Reply to McGann, Alejandro Arango and Adam Burgos
Social Version Kennel Club (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Social Version Kennel Club (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Spokane Candidates Climate Change Forum 2019, Brian G. Henning, Raymond Reyes, Ben Stuckart, Breean Beggs, Michael Cathcart, Tony Kiepe, Lori Kinnear, and Karen Stratton
Spokane Candidates Climate Change Forum 2020, Brian G. Henning, Deena J. González, Ted Cummings, David Green, Andy Billig, Laura D. Carder, Marcus Ricelli, Bob Apple, Timm Ormsby, John Roskelley, Lori Feagan, Lance Gurel, Zack Zappone, Tom McGarry, and Dave Wilson
Spokane Candidates Climate Change Forum 2021, Brian G. Henning, Naghmana Sherazi, Betsy Wilkerson, Zach Zappone, and Riley Smith
Spokane Candidates Climate Change Forum 2022, Brian G. Henning, Sacha Kopp, Laurel Burlingame, Ben Brown, Scotty Nicol, Marcus Ricelli, Timm Ormsby, Michaela Kelso, Chris Jordan, Michael Cathcart, Amber Waldref, and Bill Schreiner
Spokane Climate Project, Gonzaga University Climate Institute
Spokane Community Against Racism: Community Organizing and the Platform for Change, Jac Archer, Walter Kendricks, Justice Forral, and Pui-Yan Lam
Spokane's Voices of the Holocaust, Michael DeLand, Jim Zimmer, Carla Peperzak, Juliet Barenti, Diana Koorkanian-Sauders, Joseph Harari, and Abraham Lassman
Starting Lineup, Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Strategies and Approaches to Challenging Hate, Amy Anderson, Jessie Daniels, Stacey Vargas, Wendy Fletcher, and Stanislav Vysotsky
Strategies for Engaging Students in Volatile Political and Social Environments, Keith Allred
Streamlining Training & Professional Development for Student Workers, Hannah Engel
Supporting Victims of Hate Crimes and Incidents: A Community Centered Approach, Landon Turlock
Thanking Fans (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Thanking Fans (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
The Agenda (April 2024): Newsletter for the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Gonzaga University
The Agenda (December 2023): Newsletter for the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Gonzaga University
The Agenda (February 2023): Newsletter for the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Gonzaga University
The Agenda (May 2023): Newsletter for the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Gonzaga University
The Agenda (October 2023): Newsletter for the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center, Gonzaga University
The Benefits of Physical Activity on Recovery Times, Emma Steinhart, Sarah Sarlatte, Elise Cziesla, and Michele Shaw
The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market, Naomi Oreskes
The Complexity of Hate and its Study: What Constitutes Hate Studies and Hate?, Allyson Lunny, Imane Chehaba, and George Critchlow
The Credibility of Climate Models, John Abatzoglou
The Cry of Right-wing Righteous Rage: Vigilantism, Tribalism, Lynching, and Rioting, Temirkhan Mukhambetov, Daniel Rothbart, and Sumant Kumar
The Discussion Doesn't End Here: The Online Discussion Board as a Reflective Writing Forum, James Hunter and Mary Jeannot
The Emotional Life of the Climate Justice Movement, Sarah Jaquette Ray
The Experience of Hate Crime Survivors and the Ethics of Using Formers in Countering Extremism, Hanlie Van Wyk, Brad Galloway, Katerina Papatheodorou, and Landon Turlock
The Indirect Effects of Cheatgrass Invasion: Grasshopper Herbivory on Native Grasses Determined by Neighboring Cheatgrass, Julie Beckstead, Susan E. Meyer, and Carol K. Augsperger
The Invisible Labor of Managing Executive Dysfunction at Work, Nicole Gustavsen
The Most Economical Common Dissection of a Square and Equilateral Triangle, Trent DeGiovanni
The Northwest Beyond Coal: The Fight to Close Colstrip, Doug Howell
The Ontogenesis of Wind Turbines and the Question of Sustainability, Róisín Lally
The Ontology of Technology: a Heideggerian Perspective, Róisín Lally
The Psychosocial Effects of Chronic Illness and their Impact on Well-Being and Quality of Life, Emma Castaldi, Pengshen Li, Sarah Summitt, and Michele Shaw
The Rights of Nature: Saving the Planet or Harmful to Humanity?, Thomas Linzey and Wesley J. Smith
The West, Deena J. González
Thomas Berry's Vision for the Earth Community, Mary Evelyn Tucker
"To Get Himself Out of Slavery": Escape, Justice, and Honor in the Life of a Colonial French Louisiana Bohemian ("Gypsy"), Ann Ostendorf
Topological Data Analysis of Information Spread on Twitter, Leon Garcia-Camargo, Malia Recker, and Matt Nguyen
Tracing the Emergence of Latina/o Vernaculars in Studies of Latin@ Communication, Michelle A. Holling and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Tracking Hate: Community Resources that Build Resiliency and Empower Action, Paul Schneider and Dean Lynch
Tracking Hate: Community Resources that Build Resiliency and Empower Action, Paul Schneider and Dean Lynch
Transformative Pedagogy in Conversation: The Role of Instructor Interventions in Peer Feedback for Speech Outline Development, Michael J. Stasio
Troubled Fun: Experiences of Joy and their Implications for Mental Health in Young Adults, Isabelle Burns and Michael DeLand
Trusting in the 'Efficacy of Beauty': A Kalocentric Approach to Moral Philosophy, Brian G. Henning
Understanding and Countering Hate in the Northwest, David Neiwert, Jessica Mahuron, and Justice Forral
Understanding Contemporary Antisemitism in Our Current Landscape, Miri Cypers
Understanding Contemporary Antisemitism in Our Current Landscape, Miri Cypers
Understanding Endangered Sawfish through the Growth and Structure of their Rostral Teeth, Linh Truong, Gabe Gambleton, and Jens Hegg
Understanding How Race and Culture Impact Management of Diabetic Health Outcomes, Maddie Baker, Gabe Vergara, Annie Fowle, and Michele Shaw
Understanding the Effectiveness of Lifestyle Changes in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Arianne Ortega and Michele Shaw
Understanding the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Hugh Lefcort and Betsy A. Bancroft
Universities in the Ecozoic Era: Director's Inaugural Lecture for the Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment, Brian G. Henning
Walking with Head-Mounted Virtual and Augmented Reality Devices: Effects on Position Control and Gait Biomechanics, Janet H. Zhang-Lea, Zoe Y.S. Chan, Roy T.H. Cheung, Aislinn J.C. MacPhail, Ivan P.H. Au, Ben M.F. Lam, and Reed Ferber
We're All Part of the Same Team Here (Complete Collection), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
We the Invisible People, Charlene Teters
What is an Authentic Relationship?, Joseph B. Johnston
Where Music is Not the Devil Enters: Children's Music Instruction in Late Nineteenth-Century Milwaukee, Ann Ostendorf
Why a Gonzaga Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment?, Gonzaga University Climate Institute
Why Asking the Question of Being Still Remains a Question for Our Time, Róisín Lally
Why is there an Arab/Palestinian-Israeli Conflict?, Jonathan Isacoff
Widowhood, Deena J. González
With Pride: LGBTQ+ Rights & Advocacy in Legal Education Summit, Center for Civil & Human Rights, School of Law, Gonzaga University
Women's Basketball Promo (1), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Women's Basketball Promo (2), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Women's Basketball Promo (3), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Women's Basketball Promo (4), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Women's Basketball Promo (5), Marketing & Communications, Gonzaga University
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Academic), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Academic), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Argentina), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Blog), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Bolivia), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Chile), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Colombia), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Costa Rica), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Cuba), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Dominican Republic), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Eduador), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (El Salvador), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (España), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Fiction), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Fiction), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Guatemala), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Honduras), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Magazine), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Magazine), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (México), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Newspaper), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Nicaragua), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Panamá), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Paraguay), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Perú), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Puerto Rico), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Spoken Word), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Television & Movie), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Television & Movies), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (United States), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Uruguay), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Venezuela), Mark Davies
Word, Lemma, and Part of Speech (Web Page), Mark Davies