Content Posted in 2025
A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation, Beth Greenbaum
A Content Analysis of Persuasion Techniques Used on White Supremacist Websites, Georgie Ann Weatherby and Brian Scoggins
A Crime By Any Other Name: The Semantics of Hate, Barbara Perry
Addressing Racial and Hate-Based Discrimination as Experienced by African Immigrants and Refugees in Waterloo Region, Canada, Alicja K. Muszynski and Sadia Gassim
A Decade of Blessings: 2018-19 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Analyzing ESPN and the Agenda-Setting Theory, Justin John Kischefsky
Ancient Hatred and its Contemporary Manifestation: The Torture of Lesbians, Susan Hawthorne
An Examination of Workplace Racial Microaggressions and Their Effect on Employee Performance, Ronee L. Hunter
Anger and Compassion on the Picket Line: Ethnography and Emotion in the Study of Westboro Baptist Church, Rebecca Barrett-Fox
Applied Anthropology and Anti-Hate Activism, Jennifer Schlegel
Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070: Targeting the Other1 and Generating Discourses and Practices of Discrimination and Hate, William Arrocha
Bad Faith: The Danger of Religious Extremism, Steven K. Baum
Baptizing Nazism: An Analysis of the Religious Roots of American Neo-Nazism, Alon Milwicki
Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing, Steven K. Baum
Bibliography of Hate Materials, Elizabeth Thweatt
Blood on the Tongue: Reading Abjection in Nationalist Blood Libels From Nazi Germany to Hamas and the British National Party, Damon T. Berry
Book Review: Joseph G. Bock’s The Technology of Nonviolence: Social Media and Violence Prevention, Tyler Branson
Book Review: Niza Yanay’s The Ideology of Hatred: The Psychic Power of Discourse, Damon T. Berry
Building Peace in Northern Ireland: Christian Reconcilers in an Economy of Hate, Eric Getty
Busting the Bandito Boyz: Militarism, Masculinity, and the Hunting of Undocumented Persons in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Robert F. Castro
Christian Identity: An American Heresy, David Ostendorf
Ciudades Y La Lucha Contra El Cambio Climático: Experiencias De Municipios Estadounidenses [Cities and Climate Change: Experiences from U.S. Municipalities], Luis Inaraja Vera
Combat Exposure’s Influence on PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans, Anisa Grewal, Katie Bruce, and Michele Shaw
Combating Hate Through Young Adult Literature, Rachel Dean-Ruzicka
‘Combating the Scourge’: Constructing the Masculine ‘Other’ Through U.S. Government Anti-trafficking Campaigns, Sarah L. Steele
Commenting on the News: How the Degree of Anonymity Affects Flaming Online, Frank Mungeam
Communication in the Workplace: Managers' Perception on Productivity of Virtual Team compared to F2F Teams, Emily Wang
Constitutionalizing Anarchy: Liberalism, Lynching, and the Law, Daniel Kato
Crimes Against the "Other": Conceptual, Operational, and Empirical Challenges for Hate Studies, Neil Chakraborti
Cutting Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face: The Real Consequences of I-9 Audits Considered through a Case Study of Brewster, Washington, Gregory C. Cunningham
David Tosco’s The Face of Evil, Jan Polek
Deconstructing Hate Speech in the DRC: A Psychological Media Sensitization Campaign, Johann Vollhardt, Marie Coutin, Ervin Staub, George Weiss, and Johan Deflander
Defining Characteristics and Politicising Victims: A Legal Perspective, Jennifer Schweppe
Delayed Judicial Review of Agency Action, Luis Inaraja Vera
Divided by Gender: An Interview with Jane Elliott, Joanie Eppinga
Does the Use of Technology in the Classroom Increase Students' Overall Academic Performance?, Jessica Mariah Brown
Do Unto Others: Extraordinary Acts of Ordinary People, Robert N. Kraft
Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes, Steven K. Baum
Engendering Hate Crime Policy: Gender, the "Dilemma of Difference," and the Creation of Legal Subjects, Valerie Jenness
Evil Black Guns: Hate, Instrumentality, and the Neutrality of Firearms, Christopher B. Strain
Exploring and Examining the Use of the Facebook in the Classroom and its Impact on Student Success, Olajumoke Olabanji
Exploring the Use and Effectiveness of Mediated Communication by Churches, Sarah Christine Syptak Hinrichs
Factors Mediating Cheatgrass Invasion of Intact Salt Desert Shrubland, Susan E. Meyer, Susan Garvin, and Julie Beckstead
Fighting for the Right to Be White: A Case Study in White Racial Identity, Dianne Dentice and David Bugg
Filipino Amerasians: Gauging Stigmatization, Intolerance and Hatemongering in a Pluralistic Asia Pacific Society, Peter C. Kutschera and Marie A. Caputi
Film Review: S. Leo Chiang’s Mr. Cao Goes to Washington, Jessica Maucione
Finding Light in the Darkness? The Historical Treatment of Genocide as a Template for the Field of Hate Studies, Raymond C. Sun
Forgiveness: The Key to Self-Healing— An Interview with Eva Mozes-Kor, Joanie Eppinga
From Hate to Collective Violence: Research and Practical Implications, Anne Nassauer
From Hatred to Compassion: An Interview With Thupten Phelgye, Joanie Eppinga
From Thrill to Defensive Hate Crimes: The Impact of September 11, 2001, Jack Levin
Front Matter, Jerri Shepard
Front Matter, James Mohr, Joanie Eppinga, and Steven Baum
Gender Across Cultures: An Interview with Nonie Darwish, Joanie Eppinga
Genocidal Religion, Steven Leonard Jacobs
Genocide on the Airwaves: An Analysis of the International Law Concerning Radio Jamming, Meghna Rajadhyaksha
Germination Ecophysiology of Leymus cinerus (Poaceae), S. E. Meyer, Julie Beckstead, P. S. Allen, and H. Pullman
Gonzaga University Factbook 2019-20, Institutional Research, Gonzaga University
Gonzaga University Factbook 2020-21, Institutional Research, Gonzaga University
Gonzaga University Factbook 2021-22, Institutional Research, Gonzaga University
Habits of Hate: A Pragmatist Analysis of Habits of Racism and Nativism, Terrence MacMullan
Hate, Oppression, Repression, and the Apocalyptic Style: Facing Complex Questions and Challenges, Chip Berlet
Hate Studies Through a Constructivist and Critical Pedagogical Approach, James M. Mohr
Health Impact of Neighborhood Walkability on the Elderly, Sophia Marcantuono, Maya Thompson, Beth Landsem, and Michele Shaw
Holocaust-Denial Literature: A Sixth Bibliography, John A. Drobnicki
Homophobic Hate Propaganda in Canada, Ellen Faulkner
Identity-Driven Violence: Reclaiming Civil Society, Kenneth R. Hoover and Vernon D. Johnson
Images of Slavery in the early Church: Hatred Disguised as Love?, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton
Imposter Syndrome Among Medical Professionals, Samantha Hidalgo, Gillian Justice, Emma Rose, and Michele Shaw
In Memoriam: Eva Lassman, Jerri Shepard
Intra- and Inter-Religious Hate and Violence: A Psychosocial Model, Linda M. Woolf and Michael R. Hulsizer
Introduction, John Shuford
Introduction, John Shuford
Introduction: The Politics of Hate, Robert L. Tsai
Irrationalism: The Foundation of Hate Propaganda, Robert Lanning
Islamophobia, Hateful Speech, and the Need to Practice Democratic Virtues, Shannon Dunn
Is Peacemaking Unpatriotic?: The Function of Homophobia in the Discursive World, Mari J. Matsuda
Israel Charny’s Fighting Suicide Bombing: A Worldwide Campaign for Life, Steven K. Baum
Is There a Neurobiology of Hate, Edmund M. Glaser
Italian Fascism’s Soviet Enemy and the Propaganda of Hate, 1941-1943, Marla Stone
Last Man Standing: The American Who Stayed During the Rwandan Genocide - An Interview with Carl Wilkens, Jerri Shepard
Lighting the Way: 2021-22 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Misogyny and Marginalization in Criminal Justice Systems: Women’s Experiences in Two Post-Conflict Societies, Erin Tunney
Mobile Communication Devices and Government-Public Engagement, Lloyd Brown
My Homeland, My Diaspora: Iranian Jewish Identity in Modern Times, Orly R. Rahimiyan
Negotiating Online Identities in Social Media: A Study of University Students, Christine Elise Benage
Not in Our World: A Perspective of Community Organizing Against Hate, Bill Wassmuth and M J. Bryant
Obsesssion: Radical Islam’s War against the West and Shi’ism: Waiting for the Hidden Imam, Steven K. Baum
Oppression by Scientific Method: The Use of Science to “Other” Sexual Minorities, James M. Mohr
Our Ancestral Shadow: Hate and Human Nature in Evolutionary Psychology, James E. Waller
Our Will in Action: 2015-16 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Perpetrators of Genocide: An Explanatory Model of Extraordinary Human Evil, James Waller
Persistence: 2019-20 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Places for Races: The White Supremacist Movement Imagines U.S. Geography, Barbara Perry and Randy Blazak
Poetry: I am a Jew, Michael Gurian
Policing Hatred: A Case Study of an English Police Force, Jordan Blair Woods
Positioning Hate, Kathleen Blee
Preface, George Critchlow
Preface, Jerri Shepard
Preface, Jerri Shepard
Preface, Jerri Shepard
Preface, John Shuford
Preface, John Shuford
Preface to Vol. 10, John Shuford
Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide, Steven K. Baum
Reasons to Believe: 2014-15 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Reclaiming Justice and Eliminating Inequality through Compassionate Migration: The Relentless Struggle of Migrants Living in the Shadows, William F. Arrocha
Religion as Hatred: Antisemitism as a Case Study, John T. Pawlikowski
Revisiting Hateful Science: The Nazi “Contribution” to the Journey of Antisemitism, Steven Leonard Jacobs
Shining the Spotlight on Injustice: An Interview with Morris Dees, Joanie Eppinga
Socialization and Hate: Can Higher Education Make a Difference?, Jo Ann Jankoski
Social Justice Leadership in Action: The Case of Tony Stewart, Kathy Canfield-Davis, Mary E. Gardiner, and Russell A. Joki
Spirited & Resolute: 2020-21 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Steven Baum’s The Psychology of Genocide: Perpetrators, Bystanders and Rescuers, Jan Polek
Taking a Stand: The Role of the Early Childhood Teacher in Educating Against Homophobia, Tamar Ascher Shai
Teaching a General Education Course on Hate Crimes: Challenges and Solutions, Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld J.D., Ph.D.
Teaching Trauma Theory and Practice in Counselor Education: A Multiple Case Study, Charmayne R. Adams, Casey A. Barrio Minton, and Jennifer Hightower
‘The Antidote to Hate Is Success’: An Interview With Izzeldin Abuelaish, Joanie Eppinga
The Changing Face of England: Marc Isaacs' All White in Barking, Jan Polek
The Community Security Trust – Best Practice in Combating Antisemitic Hate, Michael Whine
The Components of a Healthy Culture: Umpqua Bank, Joanna Nasser Mansour
The Conquering Lion, Julian Aguon
The Deepwater Horizon: Agenda-Setting in the Media and ts Impact on Claim Distributions, La-Keya Shundrell Stinchcomb
The Genetic/Evolutonary Basis of Prejudice and Hatred, Harold D. Fishbein
The Impact of Caffeine on Health, Elianna Borjas, Mackenzie Wrynn, Rosa Madden, and Michele Shaw
The Individual Psychology of Group Hate, Willa Michener
The Internet's Promise to Improve Bias-Crime Reporting: The Case for Including Bias Crimes on Official Crime-Reporting Websites, Jordan Blair Woods
The Last Uncomfortable "Religious" Question? Monotheistic Exclusivism and Textual Superiority in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as Sources of Hate and Genocide, Steven Leonard Jacobs
The Need for an Interdisciplinary Field of Hate Studies, Kenneth S. Stern
The New Politics of Hate? An Assessment of the Appeal of the English Defence League Amongst Disadvantaged White Working- Class Communities in England, Jon Garland and James Treadwell
The Politics of Hate: Ultranationalist and Fundamentalist Tactics and Goals, Joan Davison
The Pope Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism, Steven K. Baum
The Price of Sunshine: Open Dependency Courts and Their Risks to LGBTQ Child Abuse and Neglect Victims, William Wesley Patton
The Role the Dutch Reformed Church Played in the Rise and Fall of Apartheid, Jennifer Nelson
The Social Identity Affordance View: A Theory of Social Identities, Alejandro Arango and Adam Burgos
The Social Psychology of Hatred, Evan R. Harrington
The Society of Jesus and the Eradication of Hate, Michael W. Maher
The Vindication of Hate Violence Victims Via Criminal and Civil Adjudications, Brian Levin
To Charge or not to Charge?-That is the question: The pursuit of Strategic Advantage in Prosecutional Decision-Making Surrounding Hate Crime, Beverly McPhail and Valerie Jenness
Toward an Interdisciplinary Field of Hate Studies: Developing a Framework, Jon Blitzer
Transgender and Transsexual Identities: The Next Strange Fruit—Hate Crimes, Violence and Genocide Against the Global Trans-Communities, Jeremy D. Kidd and Tarynn M. Witten
Understanding the Impact of Cannabis Use on Quality of Life Among Youth, Emma Lawrence, Ingrid Wang, Madeline Wolesky, and Michele Shaw
Uniting the Right: Anti-Immigration, Organizing, and the Legitimation of Extreme Racist Organizations, Stanislav Vysotsky
Unsung, Unprecedented, Unwavering: 2016-17 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
Unwavering Gratitude: 2017-18 Report of the President, Office of the President, Gonzaga University
War Crimes, Wristbands, and Web 2.0: Exploring Online Justice Advocacy, Colonialism and ‘Civilizing Missions’ through Kony2012, Sarah Steele, Tyler Shores, and Yvette Pollastrini
Water Law Transitions in the Era of Climate Change, Luis Inaraja Vera
What Communities Want: Recognizing the Needs of Hate Crime Targets, Barbara Perry
What Is Genocide?, Maggi Eastwood
Where Do Universal Human Rights Begin?, George Critchlow
White Nationalism Revisited: Demographic Dystopia and White Identity Politics, Steven L. Gardiner
Youth Mentoring: A Guide for Mentors with Practical Application of Communication Principles to Facilitate Interpersonal Relationships and Youth Development, Erin Camille Wilson